Convergence Architecture has long been committed to investing in our local community and the wide variety of people who live here. From supporting the Lombard Main Street efforts, to working with Depave to improve James John Elementary, to facilitating community involvement and feedback for the Roosevelt High School redesign, we support St Johns and its people.

Principals Joe & Barb at an event supporting Roosevelt High School improvements and redesign.
As part of our commitment to serve the communities in which we work, we are working with Roosevelt High School and committing funds to support increasing the diversity of our profession through a college scholarship program. The goal of this scholarship is to help the architecture profession in Portland to better reflect the communities they serve. According to NCARB by the Numbers, people who identify as Black or Indigenous and are working on licensing is less than 8%, while the US census shows 15% of our country is made up of these races.
Our built environment is better able to serve people if it is designed by a representative cross section of our community. We are starting the scholarship program at Roosevelt High School with a single, one-time scholarship of $1,500. We will be looking to grow this scholarship over time to increase its impact on the scholarship’s goals. Students at Roosevelt will be able to get more information from the school once it is released with the other school-specific scholarships. The challenge is much bigger than we can take on by ourselves, but we are committed to do what we can to drive positive change.