

Sustainable Forest Management and Public Perception

Written By: Grayson Schoenbine After attending the International Mass Timber Conference this past March, and in particular a session entitled: Sustainable Wood from Sustainable Forests with Mike Cloughsey the Director of Forestry with the Oregon [...]

By |May 21st, 2021|Categories: Architecture, the Science of, Sustainability|Comments Off on Sustainable Forest Management and Public Perception

Grayson’s Inspiration

We have a series of blog posts where each person here at Convergence shares an image that influenced/ inspired them to join the architecture/ design field. The image can be whatever strikes the person’s fancy- [...]

By |March 19th, 2021|Categories: Architecture, the Art of, People|Comments Off on Grayson’s Inspiration

Completion of the TriMet Powell Fuel and Wash Building

Written by Adam Robins It is commonly understood that architects design buildings, but architects are also often involved al the way through construction to evaluate contractor suggestions, answer questions, and ensure the project is ultimately [...]

By |November 20th, 2020|Categories: Projects|Comments Off on Completion of the TriMet Powell Fuel and Wash Building
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