This is the first in a series of posts where each person here at Convergence shares an image that influenced/ inspired them to join the architecture/ design field.
The image can be whatever strikes the person’s fancy- a building, a park, a scenic image, a design motif or detailing… any visual representation that can help to share a bit of insight into how and why the person got into this field and the work that we do.
First up, Eli is sharing his inspirational image.
“When I was growing up most of the adults I knew were back-to-the-land types. Nearly all of them had built or were building their own homes so I remember always being around construction. It made me want to build something myself and I think that this really helped lead me to architecture. The picture is of me at 13 posing with a 120+ year old log cabin I was helping my dad rebuild for a local farmer. This was the first real construction project I had ever been part of – my job was to square the new logs for the cabin with an axe. This was made easier, if not more historically accurate, by scoring the sides of the logs with a chainsaw. Later I ended up using this picture to help get into architecture school after I had gotten some good advice to include more than artwork in my portfolio.
I worked on this cabin one more time after my first year of college. My younger brother and I were hired by the same farmer to put a new shake roof on the structure. My brother hand split shakes from 6′ long rounds of tamarack (Western Larch) and I nailed them up. It was the first construction job I ever planned and executed myself. “